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Anxiety is something that exists in everyone’s life to a certain extent, and in a way it is medically known to be helpful as well. Because, anxiety helps us stay alert and be reactive to our circumstances, whether joyful or painful. However, when the anxiety reaches the stage where it overwhelms you mentally and physically, and affects your normal routine of life, you need the help of a clinical psychologist.
Whether it is social phobia, specific phobia, post traumatic stress disorder, general anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, or similar, it falls under the category of anxiety disorder, and calls for clinical and therapeutic treatment. And, this is where our expertise can help you. We have a systematic approach to dealing with our patients’ problems, and help them through a round of clinical counselling session to firstly, introduce them to their problems, and then show them the way to dealing with and confront those conflicting issues, without fear or phobia. It has been medically proven that when the people confront what they fear repeatedly without getting the negative outcome they actually feared, the sense of phobia would gradually subside. This does not only help in changing the mental frame of a person in a natural manner, but also helps in building back the lost confidence and sensitivity towards self.
In severe cases, we take the help of medicines and therapies that would help our patients to fight back the physical symptoms caused by the anxiety, and then in a step-wise manner approach towards reviving the mental health. Through the process of counselling, medical treatment and psychotherapy, we help our patients overcome their fears and phobias. Our effective treatment for anxiety disorder has helped hundreds of our patients, and has been devised through years of experience and our commitment to bring a positive change in our patients’ lives.
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